What Bible says about Gender Equality.


One of the things that most of the people are likely to say about the equality between a aman and a woman to those who believe in Bible is that Eva was made from Adam, So some people talk about it when they want to show that a man is better than a woman while it is totally false.

So that is written in the book of Genesis 2:19-24 : “The Lord God puts the man to sleep and he sleeps, he takes out one of his ribs and restores the flesh, that rib the Lord God took out of that man, he turns that man into a woman and puts that man. He was taken from man.” That is why a man will leave his father and mother, live with his wife and marry, and the two will become one flesh.”

One who use to teach about Equality based on the Bible Pastor Christine Gatabazi explained what the fact that Eve came out of the rib means and shows that no woman is inferior to a man at all. This is how he explains it in his lecture called “The blue print of the creation of male and female gender”:

The fact that God created woman from man to show that they all made the same thing, that they shared humanity, Eve is the same as the one from whom she was born and shares the humanity of Adam. The likeness, the equality, is contained in what Adam said was his bowels and the bone in his bones.

He goes on to point out that the Hebrew word for man is “Ish” and the word for woman is “ishshah. These two words are the same except that one adds that it is feminine. Even Adam’s response shows an understanding of their relationship as equals.

Through these teachings, he returns to the fact that the nature of man and woman are not the same but that one is not superior to the other. He says: “The act of creation emphasizes that man and woman were created together to complement each other in all things. But their equality does not negate the fact that each has its own uniqueness and differences. Eve was completely different from Adam, not like Adam, but also descended from Adam and they are equal.

Also in the interpretation of this word and that Eve is descended from Adam, there is a return to the family where a woman is often assigned the responsibility of giving birth only, and has other gifts and responsibilities given to her, Pastor Christine explains it as follows: “A young man or a virgin can live a full life alone, but marriage also has the ability to complement each other.

It is a precious thing that you are a person and you are called mom or you are called dad and it is the first blessing in this life, But being a woman is more than being a mother, she is a special person just like a man. These two people have different talents and responsibilities before building a family and beyond having a home. The fact that the woman’s side should not be neglected.

In conclusion, we can say that a woman and a man are equal but not the same. A woman is not a photocopy of a man, as Pastor Christine says, but she is different from him without taking away that they are equal, that no one is superior to the other

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