What was Pastor Paul Mackenzie teaching until over 100 people starved to death?


Pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie said he closed his Good News International Church four years ago after it had been operating for about two years.

But the BBC has found hundreds of his sermons still available online, some of which appear to have been taken after he said he had closed the temple.

What picture do these teachings show of this man whose followers were starving? What does he teach?

‘Never Look Back’

In a loud voice, Pastor Mackenzie delivers his sermons to a large gathering on the subject of revelations at the end of the world.

Behind him is a scarf with the words “We are about to win the battle…never look back…the journey is almost over”.

One of the videos on his temple’s YouTube ‘channel’ is titled: “Children of the End Times” and shows a group of children giving a message on camera.

Others end with exorcisms from worshipers – mostly women – who lie on the ground while he “reprimands” the evil spirits to leave them.

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Various YouTube ‘channels’ and Facebook ‘pages’ where his messages have thousands of followers.

It is not known exactly when these lectures were filmed, but there are indications that Pastor Mackenzie had a meeting in Nairobi on January (1) 2020, contrary to his claim that he stopped his activities in 2019.

‘Children are crying because they are hungry, let them die’

Some of his former followers said they were forced to starve themselves as proof of their faith.

In the dozens of videos, there is no direct evidence of Mackenzie telling his followers to starve themselves, but there is something he tells his followers about surrendering to what they believe in, achieving their lives.

At one point he says: “There are people who don’t want to talk about Jesus. They say their children are crying because they are hungry, let them die. Is there a problem?”

In an interview with Kenya’s Nation newspaper last week, Pastor Mackenzie denied forcing his followers to starve themselves.

When the journalist asked him about this, he replied: “Is there a house or a fence found somewhere where people are locked up?”

‘Education is evil’
Another of Mackenzie’s teachings is the argument that formal education is of the devil and is used to make people repent.

“They know that education is evil,” he says. But they use it to their advantage. Uniforms sellers, booksellers…pen makers…all that rubbish. Your money will save them even if you are in need.

In 2017 and 2018, the man was arrested and charged with crimes including encouraging children not to go to school, saying that education is “unbiblical”.

Pastor Mackenzie also criticizes education saying that it encourages homosexuality through sex education programs.

He told the Nation: “I told people that education is evil…Children are being taught inequality.”

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Doctors ‘serve another God’
He also encouraged women to avoid going to the doctor during childbirth and not to protect their children.

In one of the videos, a woman tells how Mackenzie helped her give birth through prayer and without surgery, adding that she was later “requested” by the Holy Spirit to warn her neighbor not to harm her child.

Mackenzie later reiterated to this follower that vaccines are not necessary, saying that doctors “serve another God”.

She also advises women to avoid changing their hair, wearing wedding hairstyles, and songs.

Satan’s signs and illusions

Much of what Pastor Mackenzie teaches comes back to the fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible on the Last Day.

His lectures on the Internet revolve around the end of the world, impending doom, and scientific disaster.

He often warns that satanic power is everywhere and has reached even the most powerful authorities in the world.

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