What to ask yourself before you decide to divorce your spouse


There are times when you feel that the only thing that would give you peace is to break up with your partner because of various issues you have, but there are times when you may make a rash decision that you will regret later. So it is good that before you decide to apply for divorce, you should think about the following:

Have you used everything possible to make your relationship work? : Sometimes one spouse commits a mistake and the other refuses to forgive him or her, perhaps he even asks for forgiveness and refuses to humble himself so that he feels that he strives for their relationship to be good, and he is a person who is looking for a reason to separate from his spouse. ‘the spouse, no matter how much he begs for forgiveness, refuses to forgive him.

Have you not been surprised to see something different from what you thought: When a person is going to start a family, there are certain things that he has in mind that he will see when they are going to get married, whether it is obvious things or unusual love.

Yes, that is a good idea, but before you ask your spouse to do something for you, ask yourself what you are giving him. If you want him to love you, ask him if he respects you, everything you want him to do first is the same. If you do that and it fails, you may decide to divorce.

Think about the new person you met and are going to live with: Some people leave their marriages because they found another new person they are going to live with and feel that the new person is a saint.

Think about the things you will miss from your marriage: Even if your spouse has made mistakes and you are going to decide to divorce him, give more time to those mistakes that he did to you to ignore the good things you saw in him because after you break up with him, you will always be affected by thoughts that show you the good things you used to know and make you feel regret. So it’s best to think about it before making a decision.

Think about it enough and give it time: Before you decide to separate from your spouse, take enough time to think about it first, those voices you feel fighting in your mind, stop for a while and maybe write down what you feel coming to mind if there are consequences that you will face, write them down, compare them to ‘the best you feel you are going to experience in separating from your spouse but remember that the best you think you will not get.
Ask yourself if you want to escape from your spouse or if you want to escape from the pain that is causing you.

The pain that is causing you: If you find a solution but you want to escape from the pain that is causing you, the best thing is to first find a solution to that pain or learn how to cope with it. You would hate it if you made the decision to run away from someone and leave them feeling sad

The pain that is causing you: If you find a solution but you want to escape from the pain that is causing you, the best thing is to first find a solution to that pain or learn how to cope with it. You would hate it if you made the decision to run away from someone and leave them feeling sad

Ask if you have talked about it: Before you decide to break up, first ask if you have talked about it and give him time to tell you why. There are times when a person makes a decision because he is angry and cannot even give the person who made the mistake a chance to say what caused him to discuss it and possibly consult with other people.

Ask if you love him: love is one of the things that keep people together even when they face problems. So if you still love your spouse but there are things you can’t stand, you still have a chance to stay together.

When you have asked all these questions and found that you have the right answer, you will be able to decide to divorce your spouse because you do not advise others to cling to someone when they see that they can harm them and even harm them, as is the case in some households.

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