The consequences of valuing your parents more than your spouse


A person’s parents are important in life and should be respected and cared for, but when you have a spouse, you should give them first priority. In some families, couples are faced with the problem of being one of the spouses who wants to obey the instructions given by the family members rather than agreeing with the spouse.

This often causes so much trouble that some families break down completely if not dealt with early.

It shows your spouse that you don’t respect them

When your spouse knows for sure that if there is an opinion from your family members, he will understand it faster than you would advise, then he will also feel that you do not respect him and that you are disrespecting him from your family members. And indeed, when your family members let you know that your spouse is worth less than them, they also respect him and treat him as they wish.

It shows that your home is not strong

A strong home is one where husband and wife consult with each other, understand each other and put each other first rather than the other. For example, you may want to help your brothers but your spouse doesn’t know that you decide to rob the house and you agree with them in your family that they will keep it a secret and you will be alone, then they will see that your house is not strong and whenever they want to destroy it they will do it.

They give you bad advice out of selfishness

This usually happens when one of the spouses says that the spouse is bad in the family he/she comes from and wants to show that he/she is hurt. At that time, your parents or relatives feel angry with your spouse and maybe you feel that you should not separate because there are other good things for you.

When the members of your family have insulted your spouse for the bad things you always say about him, they will advise you to break up with him even if you were still able to tolerate him or even the slightest thing that should not separate them. Your mother or father is always more worried than your spouse, so if you leave him a bad face, they will fight against you in a bad way according to what you love and they will help you to destroy.

It causes not to break the same bond with your spouse

Your parents or siblings have their own lives and so do you and your spouse. When you want to mix it up, you are no longer connecting with your spouse so that you don’t have the same bond. Your parents can advise you, they can also help you but you have to set limits when you think it would harm your relationship with your spouse.

You are putting distance between you

In the life of a happy married couple, they should support each other closely and support each other in bad times. When you start to have a problem and talk to someone else before talking to your spouse, then you start to feel that there is a sense of pride in the step you took before your spouse, then you start to put him aside and tell him that you don’t need him in your life.

In short, it is appropriate for married couples to take care of their families, including parents and other relatives, but it is not appropriate for you to do more than your spouse because he is the one who should be closer to you than anyone else. When this does not happen, it becomes the source of conflict between the couple.

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