Know more about White Tail Chapel, a church where they worship while they are naked.


Today more than 80 percent of the world’s population belongs to different religions that believe in God who created everything according to the Bible. It is believed that there are more than 4,000 religions in the world, some of which have different beliefs than others and can cause a person to change the way he behaved before being introduced to that belief.

Although it may surprise you because it’s the first time you’re going to hear it, or it’s not here yet, just today in today’s story we’re going to go back to a religion that has naked worshipers.

The religion is called (White Tail Chapel) and it is located in the state of Virginia, one of the states of the United States of America.

When I say naked, it is part of our culture that a person wears clothes that reveal his private parts and we pretend that he is naked all the time. What I’m talking about here is to dress according to one’s birth.

In this religion all rituals are usually performed in the church as meetings; engagement of brides; burials and all other things are done when a person is naked, even children; the youth and the poor all worship naked.

Pastor Allen Parker, who leads this church, says that there are many reasons why he felt the power or the idea to allow his followers to worship naked.

Cyril Abad- In God We Trust Project — Inland Stories

This Pastor, when asked by the media why he started this church that worships naked, he gives many and different reasons saying that it is a gift from God.

Pastor Parker says that one of the places where he got the idea is in the book of Genesis where the story of Adam and Eve, where they lived in the garden of Eden and were naked.

This Pastor continues to say that for him it is important to worship naked people, because the first people God created were naked and able to worship God in their birth clothes, and they were not ashamed of being naked but they were ashamed that they had sinned .

In his words, he continued to say: “People who go to worship dressed in clothes are often found to be extremely arrogant and arrogant, which includes Christians comparing themselves to each other based on their clothes or how they look, so that some people feel that they are equal to their peers in front of God.” .

He goes on to say that worshiping God by people dressed as they were born is what would cut off such pride, because worshiping people dressed up makes people look at what their friends are wearing instead of praying.

Another point that this Pastor uses is to order his followers to pray naked, saying that Jesus Christ went through great times that were important to those in the world, those times when he was naked, whether it was his birth or his crucifixion.

In his words, he says: “Some of the great moments Jesus went through were naked. He was naked when he was born; when he was crucified he was naked and when he resurrected he left his clothes in the altar and resurrected naked”.

Pastor Allen Parker concludes by saying that if Jesus Christ is the savior who redeemed all the people in the world, and there were times when he did not wear clothes, then Christians should also dare to worship God naked.

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