How to look after your child who is in a boarding school here in Rwanda.


Children who have reached in secondary section a likely to be sent in boarding school. Where it helps them to learn how to live well with others, Sharing and helping each other, but these children for sure are still young they still need the parents to care for them and follow up there ways of living and for a child to continue fell the care and love from the parents.

Here is the way a parent can use to follow up for his/her children.

Visiting a child at school : it’s good that after awhile when a child is at school you have to pay a visit and see how your child is doing, how she or he performing in class activities and know more she or he is living at school that helps much to know how or what you can help him with.

Speaking with the teachers : It’s really good to talk with the teachers and create a good relationship with them because it helps you allot to know how your child behavior is and how weak is she or he so that you help the child know to offer help.

Finding enough time to talk with your child in Holliday’s : it is good to talk to child when he/she comes back in holidays, after some time not being at that child has developed different behaviors both good and bad because he had meet different people there, you can take him or her in a fun place for having fun but after that you have a short time to talk and know what’s on his or mind. you can even ask for an off at work stay at home do everything together and talk this really helps allot.

Know the friends of your children : it good thing to know the friends of your children and knowing there parents, when you talk to them it helps you know more about there plans, So that’s when you get to know more about the friends he or she has and know how to advice and protect him.

Celebrating the birthdays : it is good to celebrate your child when did a good thing or maybe having a birthday it’s really nice to celebrate him or her because that child feels love and care from you and the brothers and sisters helping around makes that child feel at home the love that you show.

To support him/her in education : when a child is at school he /she learns many different things from there and develop some talents too, So it’s good to follow up you child that’s when you will know more about him or her , here the child will understand that even though mom and dad are not near but they do care about me and the love me, So that is really helpful.

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