How to help your child learn to walk quickly


The child’s rapid movement, the parent can be involved even though the child is usually the one who uses certain things, where in the first year of birth the child is turning, leaning, sitting and crawling which is what helps them strengthen their muscles so that they complete one year of learning walking

Not all children walk at the same time because there are some who walk from 15 months to 17 months. But even if the child is over 18 months old and still does not walk, you should go to the doctors and find out what the problem is.

The fact that the child has been slow to do certain activities such as crawling, sitting, etc. may be a sign that the child will be slow to walk.
Babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy can also be at risk of slow motion, as it is generally known to be between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.

How a parent can help a child learn to walk quickly
If your child has just started to learn to stand, he or she needs help to get stronger and learn to walk more easily.

If the child is standing and falls, you can show them how they bend their knees when they are going to sit. You can also kneel down in front of him and give him a hand, but don’t touch him so that he feels that if he falls, you will immediately catch him.

When you are giving him your hand, you can let him hold it and first move him to hold you, reach the middle and let him go.

You can also buy him toys that help him practice walking, but experts say that it is not good for the child because it causes more accidents and makes the child not strengthen the muscles properly.

Rushing to fit a child with heavy shoes can also prevent him from walking properly. It would be best if you go for comfortable shoes and avoid tight shoes.

Another thing that helps the child to walk faster is to prepare a place for him to learn to walk if you choose a site that is in good condition without stones or slippery or slippery.

Also, a mother should protect herself, so when a child falls, you should not abandon him or even wake him up, but you should pick him up and thank him for what he did well so that tomorrow he will not be afraid to cross again.

If your child is slow to walk then you may be contributing to it if you are not doing everything you can to help him do the exercises mentioned above. It is good to help the child learn to walk quickly because when the child walks, it is a big step in his life.

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