Congo : The Supernatural brutality against the Tutsi has taken on a new look.


The actions of harassing the Congolese who spoke Kinyarwanda especially those in the tribe of the Tutsi continues to be too dangerous in the Eastern part of the Republic Democratic of Congo as they have been burnt to death these days at the mid Days and those do it never matter to hide, they are moving without any problem.

The videos showing these Violent actions on the Social Medias since the last Week showed different people being burnt to death and were surrounded by Others celebrating insteady of saving them. It is said that these people who are dieng are the banyarwanda who live there.

The victims are the Congolese who speak Kinyarwanda especially the Tutsi Tribe and were never paused to be harassed and tortured day by day since the terrorist FDLR have been spreading that ideology of the Jenocide, and for now is covered by the Republican Democratic of Congo leadership.

In the violent Video shared on the social X the formal Twitter by Goodfather showing one resident being burnt alive stuck in the ropes to death. And the video recorder said the victim is known as Jeremie Renzaho HABIMANA.

The actions of harassing the Congolese who spoke Kinyarwanda especially those in the tribe of the Tutsi continues to be too dangerous in the Eastern part of the Republic Democratic of Congo, As they have been being burnt the recent day at the Mid days not even at night and the ones behind the harrassement are still having their liberty.

Everywhere on the social media platforms continues to show these violent Videos showing how baddest are the Congolese people that speak Kinyarwanda being treated over there in the last weekend, Whereby those people were burnt alive to death without any relief.

Bertrand Bisimwa, The head president of the Fighters M23 that fights against the injustice done to the Congolese speaks about these videos. Said that these harassing doings are going over their Patients, That

“Nothing can explain the Supernatural brutality of the ideology that has reached the level of worship and is supported by the states of Congo.”

Bertrand Bisimwa continues saying That “We promise to abolish this injustice based on the politics and we build a new foundation for our new living.

On 10 November 2023, The FARDC Soldier Lieutenant Gisore Patrick who was known as Kabonge was also killed by the Congolese claiming that he is a Rwandan but was a real Congolese in the Tutsi tribe.

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