What to know about “Hippopotomonstrongsesquippedaliophobia” a Disease that disable someone from reading a long text.


Learn more about the disease that makes people fearing reading the long texts called “Hippopotomonstrongsesquippedaliophobia” and should be treated or any advice to the patient with this kinder Disease that is nowdays commonly in the differents countries around the world.

Too much Fear towards something may be a sign of serious sickness  and may have the bad effects on someone’s life and this is the main reason to why everybody should be aware of their healthy and look after his/her health level and at their early stage.

There was a proverb back in days that say “Whoever wants to hide anything a person from the Africa continent, hides him/her in the Book” this was to mean that the Africans in those days ner liked reading actually was not their habbit. And this shows that Nowdays, People from Africa were left with this hertage from their old generations of fearing reading the long text or stories.

Nowdays, Even though the governments encourage the residents the culture of reading historical books and other stories, There there still exists this culture of fearing reading which tends to out break in the Disease called “Hippopotomonstrongsesquippedaliophobia” where by the Patient suffer from a lot of fear towards reading culture.

This culture is in the different countries where by you find the Graduates from the Universities graduate with reading any single paged book, Even those who try to do so, They don’t last in that they read 2 or 3 pages and close the book as if it is no longer providing what they wanted from them.

If you analyse about this disease you find that whenever people are reading and meet a long word in the text, that’s when they start fearing continuing reading and stop from there without being excited to know the meaning atleast,

Up to here, a simple example is here, You are right now reading this Article but you may reach to this word “Hippopotomonstrongsesquippedaliophobia” and you start fearing to continue reading this article and this simply means it is the common problem in Africa, Many people have this problem of skiping such words in the Story like

“Hippopotomonstrongsesquippedaliophobia”,“Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” or “Antidisestablishmentarianism” and they jump to the next words.

Here are some Signs and symptoms of this include “Stoping reading the story as you meet a such long word or you fear to continue reading, Head Paining and itching, Sweating from the skull, Difficult breathing when trying to read such word sometimes attend to faint and other different observed signs of the fear.

There are also some main causes of this Disease that inlude “Not liking reading, not having the Excitements of knowing new things, Family history in the Bloodlines, Having a hard time and harrasment on the time you tried to read a such word and fail in public. Finally the main impact of this disease is to completely lose you Confidence.

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