Uganda : Unknown Disease has already killed the 12 in a short period of time.


The Health authorities in Uganda are busy carrying our an investigation to this new epidermic disease that is taking people’s lives too fast and causes a lot of fear in the residents for tomorrow.

It is said from the Health ministry from Uganda that this Epidermic is killing people in few days after being affected, It reached in the Kyotera District in the middle part of Uganda 12 weeks ago, And now the numbers of dead is about 12 and still continues.

The all Victims of this new disease are showing the signs of Skin rushes which go on swelling hours after hours and some of them are affected by swelling their legs and finally die.

In the last week, The Ugandan ministry of health collected all the signs of the first person who died of this disease that died in hospital in Kyotera to be tested but the results were not already announced,

This hospital administration announced that there are other patients who were affected by this Epidermic disease but were attended the tradional treatments insteady of going to the qualified hospitals and on the government side they say they cannot stop them from going there, because they don’t know what the real disease is.

It’s not the first time for Uganda to face the different epidermic diseases especially due to their standards of living, And their wellness. in the october last year some ugandans suffered from the Epidermic Strong Ebola that were said to be caused by Sudans.

It was said that this disease was caused by Sudan Virus On 20 September 2022, the Health Authorities in the Republic of Uganda declared an outbreak of the Epidermic Strong “Ebola” disease that was said to be caused by Sudan Ebolavirus {SUDV} after a case was confirmed in one Village in Madudu Sub-country in Ebovirus {SUDV} After central Uganda on the 19 September.

From now on the ahalf of Ugandans are panicing and fearing this disease according to the powerful and strong full as they have seen people dying immediately after being affected. For now there are selected hospitals that take care of the patients and they are not allowed to get out before the investigation and the treatment they will be given.

On the different social media people have been commenting and discussing about this disease and most of them were showing their reactions and fearing that it may be more dangerous and may reach the neighbouring countries as people move from Uganda to another country.

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