Kabuga Félicien’s Assets have been requested to be Guaranteed.


The Advocate Lawyers of IBUKA Organisation that looks after the Genocide Survivors requested their wish that Kabuga Félicien’s Assests and Resources should be guaranteed, As his trials on the damages in the 1994 Jenocide is not yet solved and closed.

Kabuga was reported in the Gasabo High Court to suggest for Kabuga’s Properties and Resources to be mortgaged, The old Kabuga is known as one the 1994 Tutsi Jenocide Sponsors and Supportors especially that during that He was among the Rwandan Rich.

The IBUKA Organisation filed their Complaint in the Gasabo High Court requesting for the 1994 Jenocide Survivors  Compensation of more than Rwandan 50 Miliars {50,658,800,000} Because of Kabuga’s Actions and all Effects on the Survivors.

After filed this Complaint for the Compensation, The IBUKA Organisation immediately showed their anxient fear to the irreparable loss due to the Trial structure, and filed another complaint requesting the court to temporaly seizure with interferering with the grip all Kabuga’s Properties.

They Requested that his Land measured in Meter Squares 255,718 should be seizure.

In the filing complaints of what should be Seizured process, IBUKA listed all the Kabuga’s real Estate properties that the Court should early seizure them all.

On that list that Umurava.com has seen, there were more than 30 Properties including the Plot Lands, Trading Buildings, Industries, Agricultural lands especially those for Tea plantations and the living Houses, all for Kabuga Félicien’.

In these Properties there were those which are used by the different Companies and Instutitions, But IBUKA showed that they were owned contraly to the Law and in that fact they should be Seizured to stop its sectrectly consecration.

A simple example is the Property containing the Wheat factory Industry, The land, Buildings and many others connected to it, Having the length of 31393 Meter Squared located in Gicumbi District but being used by Pembe Industry Factory.

There is also the Land and the Building, Living House that is located in the Formal Nyange, Having the Square Meter Length of 51860 but were built in the Healthy Care Center of  Mukarange, And over there is another built house of Kabuga Félicien.

Even if IBUKA listed and and informed of this information, Was asked by the Court to show the real connection between those Properties and Kabuga Félicien, even though those Properties were shown and listed.

Me Bayingana Janvaier that represents the IBUKA Organisation In this trial, Showed that all the information and the news confirms that The 1994 Jenocide, Kabuga was given in papers those lands but in the last land census he didn’t counted for the land, because he was not in the Country.

And this was the main reason why, The IBUKA Showed that it’s necessary to have the help of NLA the Instutition responsible the Land in Rwanda in order to show the real Connection between the properties that are requested to be seizure and Kabuga.

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