Transport : The Electrical Buses for Passengers, about to reach in Rwanda.


Rwanda is about to have the new Systematic Buses that uses the Electricity dairly insteady of the fuels, As for now reached in the neighbouring country Kenya and will be next brought in Rwanda to help in the kigali transport.

These new Electrical Buses will arrive in Rwanda for the first time and are willing to help much to the Enomic Transport Sector, These Electrical Buses are that were manufactured by BASIGO Factory that has its head quarter in Kenya is believed to work 100% using the Stored Electricity as BASIGO said.

This news of these New Buses were announced in last days, in order to add more Busses and improve the Rwandan Transport Sector, The most importance and uniqueness of these Buses is that they don’t consume Fuels which now expensive but uses Electricity from the Sun and is trustfull 100% to work better.

The BASIGO Company also announced that received another Support Fund from the USA Society of One Millial and five handred millions Rwandan Francs in order to expand and improve new methods to fight against Air pollution and its causes that may outbreak from their Cars.

In its Speech on this 07 November 2023, BASIGO Administrator Says through X the formal Twitter Platform that “We are so happy to announce to you this good news of receiving this help from the USAID Society to assist Us in the fighting against Air pollution in Rwanda. We received this Fund as also the New Buses are on the Way to Kigali from Kenya, where they are now.”

Jit Bhattacharya, The head of the BASIGO Company says they have the target of working with the Rwandan Government in the Fuels and petrol Price rising Periods and other related Problems caused by Crisis, He says that “We hope that the Method of “Pay-As-You-Drive”

will help the Societies that responsible the Transportation in Rwanda by the help of these New Electrical Buses in their traveling to one place to another.

BASIGO Company also says that its cooperation with Rwandan Government and USAID Society without any change, In 2025 in Rwanda will be more than 200 New Electrical Buses helping Kigali Residents in their Daily traveling from one place to another.

And once these Buses arrive in Rwanda will have to first be tasted for one Monrh, And there later will have to begin the work and will be working togather with the Formal Bus agancies that have been dealing with Transport in Rwanda.

2 thoughts on “Transport : The Electrical Buses for Passengers, about to reach in Rwanda.

  1. Honestly I think the busses are going to improve the community in so many ways due to the fact now people can get where there going and also seat on the bus and feel comfortable and safe

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