10 mistakes women make in domestic relationships


You often hear women say that they are not happy with their relationship at home with their spouse. They blame this unhappiness on others, but they don’t think that they are the ones responsible for the conflict with their husbands.

In this story, we share with you 10 mistakes that women make in relationships with their spouses, courtesy of Elcrema, a relationship writing website.

1. Treating sex as price to man

Many women use sex as a commodity and threaten their husbands not to have sex with them until they give them something. It is a big mistake to refuse to break up with your spouse because you want money to buy a new dress, car or other need.

2. Not caring

Many women fall into this mistake after marriage. Before you lived with your husband, your appearance was very important to you, but after you ‘attached’ him, you stopped caring about yourself as much as before. Just because you found her legally yours is no reason to stop looking good and taking care of your appearance. Your husband expects to continue to find the best wife he has chosen among others. So try to always have the same beauty that he loved you.

3. Angry

No man loves a wicked woman. It’s not good to think that problems will always be solved just by shouting. You can’t expect peace at home when you complain about everything he does and show it off loudly. There are other ways to resolve problems and disagreements in the home without causing chaos. You should not curse or scold your husband; that is your husband, not the country of your birth.

4. Not trusting your husband

This is another big mistake women make in relationships with their spouses. Of course, you don’t want to share your husband with anyone else, but if you don’t trust him, why did you agree to live with him? It is not good for you to have sex with other women because you are suspicious of your husband. The other woman is not the problem; the problem is your husband. Instead of fighting with other women, try to find out why you are still with your husband and yet he is running to that other woman. It is demeaning when you fight with another woman in public while fighting for a man.

5. Treating your husband’s brothers as foreigners

Never expect your husband to leave his family because he married you. This is a mistake to think like that and I think that if you really love your husband, you would love everything about him especially his family members. Learn to love your family members and don’t treat them like beggars. They say that it is difficult to live with a mother-in-law because she feels like she is taking her place in her son’s life, but disrespecting her is not the solution to the problem.

6. Communication is important when there are disagreements

There are no children who do not grow horns. One day you will not agree with your spouse on a certain topic, but cutting trees and stones or telling a passer-by about your disagreement with your husband will not solve anything other than making things worse. Learn how to express your feelings to your husband in a positive, peaceful and respectful way. Mutual respect is very necessary for a marriage to last.

7. Impatience

There is another mistake that women make in their relationships with their spouses. Patience is very necessary for your relationship to last. You have to learn to tolerate that child. If you can’t stand him, it’s best that you don’t decide to be with him.

8. Ignore her stomach 

Of course, you may have a job, you are busy with other programs and really doing small tasks with your work only here requires a lot of wisdom and insight. You may have a servant to help prepare meals in your home, but you should know that to win a man’s heart, it starts with pleasing his stomach [To reach a man’s heart, you have to go through his stomach]. You need to check and see if your husband gets proper and adequate meals, not just the employee. When you have a moment, cook your husband meals that you know he likes.

9. Bad friends

This is another mistake that women fall into and it destroys many homes. It is important that you choose your friends carefully because not everyone will be good for you. You should not tell anyone your heart’s truth or secrets. It is very wrong to tell your friends about your husband’s weaknesses or weaknesses. Yes, sometimes you need someone to talk to but it’s important to know if it’s the right person and control what you say to them.

10. Secrets

Hiding or protecting your husband is very bad because it causes him to lose confidence sooner rather than later. You and your husband need to work together as a team, and you can’t do this without secrets.

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