In Rwanda 41% of young women are not in work, school or training centers


These are those between the ages of 16 and 30 where the results of this census show that the percentage has increased in the last five years because in 2018 they were 40.8 percent compared to 23.9% of males.

In Eastern Province where Bugesera District is located, this percentage stands at 43.1% while for boys it is 34.5%.

This report is not meant to tell whether all of them are unemployed.

Those who spoke to the media in Nyamata Sector of Bugesera District, revealed that there are those who are not working because they have finished their studies but have not yet found a job.

Mutoni, 20 years old, says that he has nothing to do and that he dropped out of school in the second year of primary school due to family conflicts.

“Both of my parents lived in conflict because my father was an alcoholic and my mother was a prostitute,” he said.

One of the women selling fruits in Nyamata market, said that she knows many girls who are unemployed and educated, explaining that there is a problem of unemployment in the region.

“I live in Nyamata Sector, Nyamata area of the city. There are many homeless children, including educated ones. Many say that they never set foot in school because of the poverty of the families they come from.”

From 2017 to 2024, Rwanda has set itself the goal of creating 1.5 million new jobs, but it was hit by the Covid-19 epidemic. The National Institute of Statistics has indicated that until 2021, 942,324 jobs will be created.

When he was at the International Labor Conference held in Rwanda in May 2023, the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Patricia Uwase, said that the infrastructure sector is one of the largest budget allocations [up to 16% of the budget of the national budget] should include many works such as the construction of schools, hospitals and other large projects such as roads, electricity and water distribution projects.

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