How to overcome the common problem of Dipression nowdays.


Anyone anywhere can experience loneliness, isolation or abandonment by those close to them, In all age groups and in all regions of the world, loneliness and isolation have a significant impact on a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their own and others’ well-being in general.

Statistics published by the United Nations Health Organization (WHO/WHO), show that among adults, 1 in 4 people suffer from loneliness due to being alone. between 5 and 15%, they face the problem of loneliness and abandonment.

The WHO continues to state that homelessness, abandonment, or isolation is associated with depression, anxiety and loneliness, suicide, stroke, and heart disease. This does not harm the person himself, but also harms those close to him who are members of his family, and others close to him in society.

Research has shown that a person’s development, well-being and well-being, go hand in hand with the way he lives with others in the family, in the neighborhood, at work at school and elsewhere. People who live or live alone have a higher risk of dying. time

Guide to doctors who write life stories on, they give important tips to help you fight being alone or living in isolation, Trying to change your personality (Even if going to others is scary at first, but it is one of the few to heal, Connect with people your age, not just your peers. Meeting and talking to those who are older or older than you helps you feel that you are not alone.

Try to speak and listen attentively : Listen to the other person, listen to him and even ask him questions that make the conversation not one-way. It allows you to see things differently, to feel and to know.

Participating in public activities : If you find that you have time but don’t have anything to do with it, it’s good to find things that help you occupy yourself, and connect you with others (Going to see movies, theater, public sports, etc.) Doing voluntary work. you are lonely, because if you keep it quiet, it will grow and result in loneliness and crazy sadness.

If you feel overwhelmed, consult a mental health professional. Although being alone or being alone is not a disease, but if it is delayed, it produces diseases that affect mental health such as depression.


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