Gakenke: The model village that is being built will remove people from places that could put their lives in danger


A model village known as Kagano IDP Model Village is being built in Muzo Sector in Gakenke District, which will house between 300 and 400 families, including those who were living in slums, damaged by disasters and others that need immediate assistance. 

It is expected that by the end of the year some of those in these categories will have left to live in a place that puts their lives at risk,  This Village is being built on an area of ​​10 Hectares and will be filled with more than 300 families, mainly those who live in rural areas.

This village is being built in Kagano village, Mwiyando Cell will consist of houses built in the form of one house inhabited by two families (two in one) where some will consist of two rooms and a meeting room, and others  it will consist of three rooms and a meeting room,  these works will be carried out in a period of three years.

The Acting Mayor of Gakenke District, Niyonsenga Aimé François, explains that the fact that this District is made up of high mountains, is one of the reasons why it is often hit by disasters and is the reason for putting effort into building this village.

He said: “Now we count 91,987 houses in Gakenke District and 2,146 of them, equal to 2.3%, are under construction.  It is while 28,948 households equal to 31.46% of them live in scattered ways and 57,415 (62.41%) of them are located in designated housing areas.

So now this village of Kagano is being built and it will be added to the other two villages that we share.  We see in it a strong defense in reducing the number of those who are obviously not living well”.

The construction of this actual village was preceded by 10 houses that were built as part of a pilot project and are now inhabited by families, The families in the area near the construction site in the Muzo, Mataba, Gakenke and Janja sectors are among those affected.

Mbitezimana David from the Muzo sector said: “It is a village where we hope for the rain to make us leave the life of fear that we have lived in for a while, where the rainy season would come and we would live like we are afraid of the rain that often falls and there is a lot of wind. 

It takes years, animals and our other work and we will be left there, if they build it for us and finish the work, we will be sorry for it”.

The construction of this village will be done in phases, where this phase will cost more than three billion and 900 million Rwandan francs with the cooperation of LDCF III through the REMA Agency.

It is a village that will be on an area of ​​10 hectares, and it will be added to two other Model Villages in the District, including Nyundo located in Mugunga Sector which is inhabited by 40 families and Mwanza Model Village located  in the Mataba Sector where 24 families live.

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