Why do Women got more drunk than Men?

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Some say that “Alcohol is the best and drunk by the best” And others say that “You remove the Alcohol from it’s pot and it removes you from your Generation” But even though I’m not an intelligent like those Early Rwandans who created those Proverbs. But I know that they wanted to mean that the Alcohol is not for Joking.

Alcohol made in an amazing way that when the two people share it, One may disobey according to how much alcohol he/she has taken but when you see his/her Colleague seems like was not taking the same alcohol.

You may ask yourself this question, “Why is this happen to one person, While they all drank the same beers and Alcohol that when they reach in their bodies you find that one got drunk but another one don’t ? Actually Alcohol contains An ingredient called “Ethanol” and if drunk passes in the gut along with everything that we eat and drink.

When Alcohols reach in the human’s Mouth that Ingredient mix with the Saliva and enters the Blood through some small veins on the tongue, That left 20% alcohol also enters in the Blood through the Alcer and the 80% pass through the small intestines.

When the Alcohol reaches the Blood enlarges those vessels and causes the Person drank felt somehow hot and followed by the body’s temperature with the high blood pressure and continues to other body parts like the Brain, Kidynes and lungs.

When Alcohol reaches the brain starts to change it’s working on the human body, And here causes the creation of the ingredients like “Dopamine and Serotonin” and causes someone to feel more happy and not stressed, When reaches the Kidneys stops the ingredient’s working and avoided the Kidneys from removing enough water ‘ADH’ and this makes water to move out as enough and increases the Urine. And that’s why you see a person who drank too much alcohol always goes to urinate in seconds and he/she is feeling thirsty in seconds.

When Alcohol reaches there in the Brain stops the body to create the ingredient called “Glutamate” that helps in remembering, Strengthening and so many other body sensory activities. This is the main reason why a drunk person forgets easily and can no more differentiate thing, faints and sometimes seem to be dozing.