Why do people don’t attend churches anymore?

Feature News Religious

In Rwanda previous years, they was reported that people are leaving their churches, and also if you compare in this years and another last years you can understand or see how people in Rwanda are not interested to attend church as it was in last years.

There are many reasons why people are leaving churches but most of the main reason is just they are not getting anything from there and also some of them are tired of some promises from their pastors.
Today Umurava News, Let’s look why people are leaving their church
Many churches cannot handle questions and doubts, especially around hot-button issues like gender/sexuality, racism, abortion/reproductive rights, gun violence, and the climate crisis.

Additionally, when people encounter theological or exegetical arguments that challenge their received dogma (authorship of Scripture, contradictions in Bible, evolution, religious pluralism, eschatology, etc.), they are unable to process and probe these questions without being shut down or shut out of their religious

Many people who’ve left churches have done so because they heard great sermons and teachings about love and grace and transformation and the goodness of the Chrisitan community, but when they needed those things the most in their life, they didn’t experience them.

Judgmental attitudes, especially in regards to gender and sexuality: Young Christians are looking for more faithful ways of navigating human sexuality and gender than what they’ve received from their parents.

Purity culture, shunning LGBTQ people in ways that others are not, body shaming, and misogyny are all troubling, and churches often do not respond well to young people seeking better ways to handle the complex reality of gender and sexuality.