What’s next in the Kazungu’s Case as the Court received the case files from the roots..

Feature News Rwanda

What will be the next step in Kazungu’s Case as the Prosecution announced that has already started from the roots to file their case involving Kazungu Dennis about murdering crimes on all 14 different people.

The Nyarugenge high Court has already received the case from it’s beginning and it’s proposed that Kazungu Dennis should be in the court in the beginning of this next coming year on 05 January 2024.

On 26 September 2023, The court of first instance of Kicukiro recommended that Kazungu should be imprisoned for the 30 proposed Days because there are the strong reasons that make him suspected of those crimes and to be suspected being in the prison for temporaly.

After the 30 days of the imprisonement, The Prosecution requested the Kicukiro court to increase the imprisonement period into other 30 Days because the investigation on his crimes was still in continuation and was still looking for the victim’s Full Identities.

As he was asked by the Judge about his thoughts on the Prosecution request, Kazungu who was at Mageragere said that he doesn’t have anything to add on to their request if it’s the way to get other signs to the charges against him.

On 27 October 2023, The court of first instance Of Kicukiro confirmed there were the strong Reasons for Kazungu Dennis to continue being imprisoned temporaly such that the Investigation would push on and in order to prepare well his files and be reported to the court from the roots.

For now the Prosecution has already reported to the court and without a chance in January 2024, Kazungu should appear in the Court for his Trial and there will be the next step after knowing how he committed to all his crimes and the punishments requested by the Prosecution.

Kazungu Dennis is being charged for the crimes of Murder by his will, Torture Murdering, Forcing Sexual Exploitation, Hiding the Dead bodies, and Threats with locking people by your commands.

He is also charged with stealing done with sticks, Distructing one’s building property, The fake documents and entering the news in the computer contraly to the law , In the last investigation showed that the Hole used by Kazungu to hide dead bodies found the 12 bodies in among 14.

When asked what was his main reason behind killing those innocent people and buried them, Kazungu told the Court that he killed them because they infected him with HIV/AIDS by the their will even though that were opposed by the blood Exam results that showed Kazungu has no AIDS Virus .

Even though the dates were Announced for the trial but not yet know if Kazungu will be sent to the Nyarugenge High court  or that will shift to the crime scene.