To your best, before marriage pay attention to the following tips.

Feature News Love

Marriage is not thing that you can enter as you want, you dont have to wake up decide to marry because once you Marry wrong you will regret your decision.

Many people live in regret of their marriage because they didn’t take time to think about the reason why they going into marriage athers didn’t have time to know their partners and they spend their dating time in meaningless actions.

Here are importantant things that you have to pay attention of before engaging in marriage:

Think over why you want to get married this is you have to think twice the reason why you want to marry because most of people Marry for certain foolish reasons like age, wealth, peer pressure, insecurities…

During dating notice every single action yous fiance do because it has meaning, and observe how your fiance interact with those people around him, her, because after marriage you will become also part of the circle

Be mindful of importance and priority that you get if he, she don’t respect you don’t fool yourself that he, she will do it after marriage.

Give importantance to your sensitivity towards privacy during dating.

Investigate what kind of friends he, she has becouse this will tell you much about his, her behaviors and don’t think that you will change him, her when you get married, never if you see you can’t resist his weaknesses and behavior run away.

From all those,when you are sure that he is the best candidate make decisions to get married.