This is the exact Timing that every Normal Person should last in Sex.

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Some people question the exact length of time a barrow should last because there are those who think that finishing it too soon or too late would be a problem.

Is it two minutes, five, thirty, an hour, all these questions are so important that a person should be proud that he did it well instead of being proud of the time he spent doing it, Elcrema, which writes about love stories and relationships, shows that many women do not appreciate a man who ends quickly, but they wonder how many minutes the process is worth.

A study conducted by Dr. Brendan Zietsch, a mental health expert from the University of Queensland in Australia, conducted on 500 married couples, showed that the average time of having sex is between 33 seconds and 44 minutes.

The average time spent by each household among those interviewed is 5.4 minutes, Only this researcher is not sure that this is the exact time that the activity should last, This also coincides with another study published in 2008 by a Canadian who showed that the shortest time people spend having sex is between one and two minutes and the longest time is between three and three minutes seven.

He indicated that most people would like the process to last between seven and 13 minutes, This researcher Dr. Brendan says that measuring how long the action should last would be a mistake because the important thing is not that the action takes place quickly or for a long time but that it is done well and makes both parties happy.

“Sometimes the quick ones can do it better than the hourly ones,” he said, Because of the thoughts people are in and the experience they have, having sex lasts a short time or longer, depending on where they are, how they usually live and many other things.