Theo Bosebabireba requested Israel Mbonyi not to accept being a religious slave.

ENTERTAINMENT Feature News Religious

Theo Bosebabireba asked Israel Mbonyi to avoid the stigmatization of the same Church that he is a hezanguni because it is something that can have a great impact on the development of his music as it has happened to others including himself.

Theo Bosebabireba confirmed this in a special interview with IGIHE before meeting in the concert scheduled to be held in Gicumbi District. January 24-27, 2024, Theos Bosebabireba said that he was happy that he was going to meet Israel Mbonyi at the concert, proving that he is one of the best in Rwandan music, Bosebabireba thanked Israel Mbonyi for the way he continues to show his love for making music to worship and praise God.

This artist who has been in the worship and praise music for a long time, asked Israel Mbonyi to avoid falling into the trap they fell into and it affects their journey in music. “One thing I would say to him is that he should avoid falling into the trap of being a fanatic in this or that religion, we used to find that our music was drowned in religious beliefs and thus hindered our progress.”

Theo Bosebabiriba testifies that in their time they were so disobedient to the Church that there were many things they were not allowed to do and thus became a major obstacle in the development of their music.

On the other hand, Theo Bosebabireba thanks Israel Mbonyi for continuing to show that the music of worship and praise of God would support people and well if his works were produced instead of feeling that they would be used for free and perform free concerts.