The United States says it does not know anything about when Burundi will open its borders with Rwanda

Feature News Politics

The American Embassy in Rwanda has informed its citizens that Burundi has closed all borders with Rwanda, announcing that it has no information on how long it will last.

On Thursday, January 11, Burundi decided to close all borders with Rwanda.

It was after this that the country accused Rwanda of being behind the attack by the RED Tabara group in the Gatumba Zone in Burundi.

In a speech at the end of the year, the President of Burundi, Ndayishimiye Evaliste, said that things are going to go back to normal, and the borders will be closed again.

In a statement issued by the US Embassy in Rwanda, it warns the people of this country to be cautious due to the closure of the borders.

This announcement reads: “Warning to the Americans due to the closure of the Burundi-Rwanda border.

The US Embassy in Rwanda has learned that the border between Rwanda and Burundi has been closed. We have no information on how long this closure will last. That is why we advise you to closely follow the national media to learn more about the news and what is being said about this issue.”