The UN says that 2024 will be the year of the drought

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The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has published a document comparing the situation in 2023, the situation at the beginning of 2024, thus announcing that the entire year of 2024 will make the people of the world even more jealous.

It is included in the report called 2024 World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) report.

It states that the world economy as a whole will grow at a rate of 2.4% compared to what it was in the year 2023 where it rose at a rate of 2.75%.

This started after the global outbreak of COVID-19, ie at the end of 2019.

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The authors say that in order to reduce this intensity, international cooperation will be required, focusing on economic development that preserves the environment.

They also wrote that the problems in today’s world will make even the steps that were taken recently in meeting the economy stumble again.

There is a paragraph in this report that says: “Prices for the basic necessities of life will rise, war and political unrest will also occur, international trade will be limited, and the effects of climate change will also increase, especially in island countries. .”

The problems mentioned above will also make the economy of the rich countries slow down more and more to satisfy the world economy in general but especially of the poor countries.

Governments are required to learn how to make long-term and large-scale investments, which provide more jobs and encourage people to save.

Another danger that the world’s population may face, according to the report, is the loss of the value of the currency, especially in developing countries.

This problem will set back the efforts of the government to lift its people out of poverty and on top of this, the debts owed by the poor countries to the rich countries will increase.

In general, the year 2024 will be prosperous for the people of the world.