The reason why marriage of uneducated couple last longer than educated one.

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Day by day, the story of separation, break up, divorces are coming through our ears,and it becomes terrible in this generation.

Men are busy with blaming women for forgetting their duties as heart of family,and women blame man of cheating much over their wives, instead of finding the way of living and accomplishing their duties.

The research shown that the uneducated marriage couple last longer than educated one,this is because educated people analyse too much,they don’t apologize and they observe every reaction one does.

When educated people have misunderstanding they spend their time in accusing one onather instead of finding solution.

Sometimes they got married for certain purpose instead of love ,like money, educational level, fame. while uneducated one get married for love not any other reason.

For educated couple every one want to be the best and it can’t work in Marriage every one has his, her role.

Educated people know more about their right,they can’t stand violence,abuse and sexual harassment, they run away immediately while undecated couple resist for all those sometimes because they are afraid of approaching the law.

Sometimes uneducated couple stick on culture where they find all possible to cover their marriage,while educated one are no longer attached on the culture.

For the above point,educated couple can learn from undecated couple and even uneducated couple can learn from educated couple.

Mariage is like class where you always have to learn new thing, strategies,and problem solving.