The President of Poland Plans to Visit Rwanda

Feature News Politics

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda plans to visit Rwanda in the next few days. When he is in Rwanda, he will open the Embassy of his country in Rwanda.

Rwanda has its Ambassador in Warsaw (the capital of Poland) who is Prof. Anastase Shyaka.

In December, 2022, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland named Pawel Jabłoński told his counterpart in charge of foreign affairs and cooperation of Rwanda Dr. Vincent Biruta says that Poland wants to open an embassy in Kigali.

There were also 20 investors who said they were ready to invest in various sectors of Rwanda’s economy.
Jabłoński said at that time that the opening of the Embassy will depend on the cooperation between the Governments of the two countries.

President of the Republic of Poland received Minister of Foreign Affairs of  Rwanda

He said, “In normal circumstances, the opening of an embassy takes some time, including the planning of how its work will be done, but I promise that it will be done as soon as possible to open the embassies of both countries.”

He added that Poland has prioritized Rwanda as a country they will work with in the field of education and in a special way.
Rwanda is the first African country with the largest number of students studying in Poland, about 1,200.