The Meteo Center in Rwanda says that there will be heavy rains at the end of February

Feature News Health Rwanda

The weather forecast from February 11 to 20, 2024 confirms that the amount of rain between 20 and 160 millimeters is expected to fall in different parts of Rwanda by the end of this month.

It is above the average rainfall that normally falls in all parts of the country as it usually falls between 10 and 70 millimeters.

The rain is expected for between three days and seven days, that is, between the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th in the Western and Southern parts and the 14th, 16th and 17th in other parts.

It will come from the combination of winds located in the southern part of the world and the winds will rise a little in the Southwest part of the country depending on the conditions of each place.
Meteo Rwanda says that the rain between 130 and 160 millimeters is the most expected in the areas near the Nyungwe National Park in the areas of Rusizi, Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe.

Between 100 and 130 millimeters is expected in the rest of the districts of Rusizi, Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe, Nyamasheke, Karongi, Rutsiro, West Huye and Ngororero.

Another between 80 and 100 millimeters is expected in the rest of Huye District, West Gisagara, Nyanza, Ruhango, Muhanga, East Ngororero, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Musanze, Burera, West Gakenke District and North Rulindo District.

Between 20 and 40 millimeters of rain is expected in the East of Nyagatare, Gatsibo and Kayonza Districts.
Kigali City, Kamonyi District, Gicumbi District, the remaining parts of Muhanga and Rulindo districts, East Ruhango, Nyanza and Gisagara, Busegera excluding the South East, Kirehe excluding its East and Rwamagana excluding the North, where anywhere between 60 and 80 millimeters of rain is expected.

And in parts of East of Kirehe, North of Rwamagana, West of Gatsibo and Kayonza, between 40 and 60 millimeters of rain is expected.

The National Weather Service says that there will also be winds that will accompany the rain.

Moderate winds with strong winds between 4 meters and 12 meters per second are expected during the second half of February 2024.

A strong wind with a speed of between 8 meters and 12 meters per second (see the orange color on the forecast wind map) is expected in many parts of Musanze, Burera, Huye, Nyanza and Gisagara Districts and in some parts of Muhanga, Kamonyi and Gatsibo.

Another moderate wind speed between 4 meters and 6 meters per second (see green color) is expected in Kigali City, Kirehe, Kayonza, Gakenke, North Nyagatare, Nyamasheke, Karongi and Kayonza.

For the rest of the country moderate winds are expected with maximum gusts between 6 and 8 meters per second (see yellow on the map).
Expected temperature:

In the meantime, there is a temperature expected in February because this is usually a month of low temperature compared to that in Spring.

In the second half of February 2024, Metero Rwanda says that it is expected that the temperature will be between 19 and 29 degrees Celsius throughout Rwanda.

In many parts of Kigali City and Bugesera District, the East of Nyagatare District and the Bugarama Valley, high temperatures are expected as it will be between 27 and 29 degrees Celsius.

In the North of Nyabihu and Musanze Districts in Ibirunga Park, low temperatures are expected between 19 and 21 degrees Celsius.

The expected temperature will be slightly below the average temperature normally found between the 11th and 20th of February in Rwanda.

The National Weather Service warns people how to behave in these conditions.

Due to heavy rains in the last days of the first half of February 2024, the soil has already soaked, the consequences of these rains include floods, mudslides and landslides in areas that are not resistant to erosion.

This is a risk that Meteo Rwanda says may reach different parts of Rwanda, but especially in the South-West, where heavy rains between 130 and 160 millimeters are expected.

Meteo Rwanda advises Rwandans and relevant authorities to continue measures to prevent and avoid disasters.