The Congolese people living in Rome are expressing their grief to Pope Francis

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Congolese residents of Rome have held a peaceful protest against the ongoing killings in Eastern Congo and the international community’s silence.

This demonstration took place this Sunday, March 10, 2024, at St. Peter’s Church, where Pope Francis received forgiveness for what is happening in their country.
It is a demonstration preceded by a Mass, where about a hundred Congolese and others from other countries joined.

After the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis said: “I have mercy on the members of the Catholic Church of the Congo in Rome. Let us pray for peace in this country and Ukraine and the Holy Land (Palestine).”

Radio Okapi says that people continue to be killed by armed groups including M23.

This fighting has already displaced many people in Eastern Congo.

Currently, the fighting between the M23 group and the FARDC government forces together with the SADC, Burundian, FDLR, and other groups continues.