The 7 most important things young children need from their parents

Education Feature News Love

In the upbringing of children they need to feel that they are well extended and it is the responsibility of the parents to do activities that show the child that they are well in the family. Mary Kamanzi, who has experience in parenting, told us about the activities that children need from their parents:

Patience and understanding: parents should be patient with their children, but avoid it to the point of abandoning them, and don’t always control the child, but parents should show love to their children in good times and bad. Parents should be patient with many mistakes they make and know who deserves punishment and who doesn’t. The child is wrong.

Knowing the child’s weaknesses helps you to know how to take care of him and if you see mistakes it is not good to just tell him and do nothing to show him what he should do. Avoid telling the child that he did not do well without showing him how to do it well first.

Giving the child time and listening to him (Better communication and more interaction time): listening to the child: knowing what my child is saying even if he is silent? If a child steals money, ask him carefully what he intended to use it for.

Respect the child: parents ask children to respect them, children also need to be respected, like when a child makes a mistake, it is not good to hit him on the ground, it is better to take him to the room and talk to him about the mistake he made.

Helping the child to have a purpose in life: this comes from praising them for what they have done well and teaching them the way they should go. Parents should avoid words that discourage children like “you are useless” and others. Mary said, “When a child’s identity is damaged, it damages their destiny.”
Having a purpose is first to be confident, realizing that God loves you when you are not here is the first thing that helps a person to have a purpose in life.

Accepting your children’s friends: It is good to accept your child’s friends even if you are not happy with them. If his friend worries you instead of stopping him immediately try to get to know him better if you can and help him if you think he is a child who needs it. You must keep in mind that you will not always be with the child to choose the best friend, that would help you know how to lead him in living with others.

Understanding the child’s feelings: it is better to let the child express his feelings and try to understand them and show him that having these feelings is okay.

To be safe, train him politely and correct him: The child needs to be protected because it teaches him respect and the parent avoids punishing the child as if it is fun. The purpose of punishment should be to correct the child and not to get rid of the parent’s anger caused by the child’s mistakes.