Special unknown Things about Date of 1st March, In the history of the world.

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March 1st is the 61st day of this year with 304 more to go, 752 BC: Romulus, the first king of Rome celebrated after winning the first battle against Caenina after the Rape of the Sabines Women.

86 BC: Lucius Cornelius Sulla led the Roman army to Athens and defeated Aristion who was supported by the army of Mithridates VI of Pontus.

1565: The city of Rio de Janeiro was founded.

1790: The first census in the United States is taken.

1803: Ohio is admitted as the 17th state of the United States.

1815: Napoleon returns to France after his stay at Elba.

1845: President John Tyler signs the annexation of Texas to the United States.

1847: Michigan abolished the death penalty.

1854: German libertarian Friedrich Eduard Beneke disappeared, two years later his remains were found near Charlottenburg.

1867: Nebraska becomes the 37th state of the United States, Lancaster changes its name to Lincoln and becomes its capital.

1893: Nikola Tesla first demonstrated the operation of radio in front of people in St. Louis, Missouri.

1896: Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity.

1901: The Australian Army is established.

1932: Charles Augustus Lindbergh III, son of Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped.

1941: W47NV (known as WSM-FM) began operations in Nashville, Tennessee and became America’s first FM radio station.

1961: Uganda began to be governed by citizens after elections.

1992: Bosnia and Herzegovina declared independence from the former Yugoslavia.

1995: Yahoo! He started.

Some people born on this date.

1752 BC: Romulus founded Rome.

1922: Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli politician

1994: Justin Bieber, Canadian singer.

Some are not born on this date

1963: Jorge Daponte, Argentine racing driver.

2010: Kristian Digby, British television personality.


Good day to Aubin, Albin, Albina, Albine, Albino, Jonathan, Jonathane, Jonathann, Yonatan, Yonathan; Suitbert and Sultbert.