Some other ways to easily treat urinary infections.

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Urinary infection is a disease most of time likely to affect the women and it has many different symptoms and it can also affect the kidney when the patient delays to look for the treatment or when treated and doesn’t get well.

Even though this disease has become a big problem to many people but there is what we can call natural medicine that can help you to get well of it, Some of these don’t need a lot of time or cost any other expensive payments but only to have Consistance on them and focus.

Let’s first Observe together the Symptoms of Urinary infection :

*Doing pee and you find your urine smells badly or sometime you find urine mixed with blood.

*Feeling pain in the Sexual Organs, vagina or Penis while urinating or after urination.

*Feeling like you want to urinate but by the time you reach latrines you find comes little urine.

*Feeling pain in the down Stomach (Under stomach)

When infection has started to affect the kidneys you will find your self with the following Symptoms : you start vomiting, you start having high temperature, the skin develop brownish, feeling a lot of the pain in the stomach and other many signs.

If you recognise one of these symptoms you are simply required to visit the doctor : Here other things that you can do:

1. taking banana mixed with apple: you get an apple and mix it with banana add there a glass of water and take it every day.

2. To take water with garlic : Get 2pieces of garlic and pond it add some water which boiled like one glass and let it cool down and you can do it thrice a day.

3. Taking lemon juice or vinegar with water : Get one litter on water add 2spons of vinegar then mix well and take that water for the whole day.

4. Taking water from a boiled onion : you get a red onion then cut it into four (4) parts and then add water and then let it boil for 20 min then after remove it and put it somewhere to cool down for 8 hours and then you take it, In this case it will help you to urinate well and  decrease some bacterias

5. To take water with honey and persil : Get a spoon of draounded persil and add one glass of water let it cool down for five minutes add there one spoon of honey and do it like three times a day.

Other things that you can do :

.Taking a lot of water

. Avoiding the public toilets mostly these ones that have sits.

. Cleaning well the underwares and making sure put them out where sun reach and you can even iron them .

. Cleaning your self from front to behind.

That was on the things that can help you treat the urinary infection but let us remind you that it is good to visit the doctor because this disease is very bad when not treated well and quick.