Signs that your love is about to end

Feature News Lifestyle Love

If you are in a relationship or have a boyfriend but you feel it is not going well, depending on how you were dating. There are some things that will help you to know that your lover is not feeling you anymore or that your friendship is going to the end (break).

Some of the symptoms include:

If he used to call you on the phone three times (for example) a day, and you see that he starts to call you once or even stops calling you to ask how your day went, then there is something wrong. Not forgetting that maybe there are reasons for work that can be with him often, but he didn’t miss even 5 minutes of text messages and even if he didn’t have time, he wouldn’t miss it all day.

If you used to go out on the weekend, have dinner, and talk about your love, and you see that he starts giving you excuses, maybe I have plans with his other friends or I feel tired and want to rest, sorry, we will go there next time, and you find that he doesn’t give you time they don’t feel it anymore.
If when you were together you could pick up his phone without any suspicion, but if you find at that time that he can’t put his phone down, avoid picking it up, then there is something to protect you.

If he was advising you about something he was going to do, now you see or hear what he told you is over, know that it is not good.

Here is the development, if he already posted your photo on his whatsapp (profile), and you find that he posted a photo of another girl you don’t know (without your presence), who are not related to him (relatives), know that he doesn’t feel you anymore.

There are times when you call him during class, maybe the teacher you usually talk about because of the time you are all studying, you find that he is talking about it for a long time, or he calls him without answering even after he came and didn’t call you and he noticed that you missed him (your missed call), then you call him again, maybe he answers you and doesn’t tell you why , he stepped aside just to save you.

That is one of the signs that can show you that the one you love (your lover) wants your love to end, he doesn’t need you. It may be because he has been separated from you or he has seen someone else disappear from his sanctuary and tells you to get out of it because maybe he sees nothing in your death, the reason is not from you.