Rwandans in Kigali use English more than Kinyarwanda

Education Feature News Lifestyle

The National Assembly of Language and Culture declares that when Rwandans in Kigali meet together (especially in meetings), English is the language they use the most.

It has 42.6%, followed by Rwandan with 15%, French with 4% and Swahili with 1.2%.

At X of this Assembly it is said that apart from what is spoken in public, English is the dominant language, and the same is true in writing.

It means that government documents, posters, medicines, announcements intended for the public and sent through the media written by government agencies (press releases) and the like are also written in English.
Even in the public domain, it is more than 40% while other languages ​​do not even reach 20%.

These are located in the city of Kigali where scholars are the ones who make all the planning and policies regarding the country.

In the analysis of some of those who talked to Taarifa, it is included that if there is no protection of Kinyarwanda and it is done by academics, it will put this language in trouble through being forgotten or being mixed with other languages ​​to make another language.

There was a time when President Paul Kagame reprimanded leaders in general and senior leaders in particular to use Rwandan or English or another language to avoid mixing.

President Kagame said that leaders should avoid mixing languages ​​and if they speak a certain language, avoid mixing it with another and speak it in correct grammar and vocabulary.