Rwanda is going to host, a Festival to support the African Girl.

ENTERTAINMENT Feature News Lifestyle

The Ministry of Youth and Arts Development, in collaboration with Imanzi Agency Ltd, organized the International Festival called ‘Miss Black Festival’, which aims to value and empower the black girl wherever she is in the world.

The events of this international festival that will take place in Rwanda, were announced on Thursday, February 15, 2024. It is a festival with the theme “Movement Black Dignity”, which will bring together in Rwanda girls from different countries around the world who have managed to pass the qualification.

The management of Imanzi Agency Ltd is preparing, explaining that the idea of ​​organizing the Miss Black festival, came from the fact that black people in general are considered as weak people in some parts of the world, which would reach girls and be an advantage.

The deputy director of Imanzi Agency, Chear Sebudwege Said “We thought about this culture because of two things that existed at the international level, where our sisters or parents are shamed and feel that they are not capable because they are black, and the other is that even if someone manages to show pride and being black, there are places where he doesn’t get a chance.”

Sebudwenge goes on to say that this cultural program aims to increase the value and raise the pride of the black girl, and she finds a platform that helps her to show that she is capable wherever she is in the world and she will get opportunities. He continued saying, “This website we want to give to black women, is not limited to those in Rwanda because that is where the action will take place, but it is for any black girl anywhere in the world.”

Sebudwenge said that this cultural event will be held in Rwanda, which is planned for three events, including the girls who will be selected to reach the final two stages and will show their talents, the culture of the countries they come from, and show the projects they have that will change the society they live in.

He said, “There will be a competition based on the fact that the girl will show what is better than the other in terms of talents or show the culture of the country she comes from, and they will show the projects that can bring change in the society she comes from.”

It is expected that in this cultural event, 10 girls will reach the finals, in terms of how they will be selected, they will compete with each other based on showing talent, projects that bring change and showing how the culture of the country they come from is better than that of others.

The winner of the Miss Black Festival will be selected by a panel of judges based on these three criteria, In addition to these activities, the festival as a wide event, there will also be an exhibition of various things that characterize the girls who will be participating, concerts will be performed by various artists and so on.

This culture should start with the process of registration through the technology, and for girls who want and located in all parts of the world are allowed to participate. Some of the criteria include being single and between the ages of 18 and 35, as well as showing that she has completed at least six high schools.

The management of Imanzi Agency Ltd, says that this cultural program is expected to bring about significant changes for black girls and women in order for them to feel empowered and help them compete at the international level.

He said, “We want this culture to be empowering and to raise the level of a girl, especially a black girl, to feel that anywhere in the world her skin is not a shame but a pride and that she has the ability to make a change and feel that she is able to compete with others.”

Moses Byiringiro, the director of Imanzi Agency, expressed that the fact that Rwanda is going to host this event is a great opportunity, and also thanked the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Youth and Arts Development, for allowing this international cultural event to take place in Rwanda. .

He said, “This is a special event because the girl who will hunt others, will represent all black women in the world by showing that they are capable and should be given that value, so having this first extensive event in Rwanda is a great opportunity.”