Rwanda is deeply concerned about the behavior of the DRC government

Feature News Politics Rwanda

In the announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda last night and published this Sunday, it is written that what the DRC is doing worries Rwanda in a serious way.

Rwanda says that it shows its unwillingness to follow the terms of the Luanda and Nairobi agreements and that the fact that the International Community continues to monitor them also increases the intensity.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda says that the DRC continues to bring its troops closer to Rwanda without leaving bombs and has recently purchased war drones that can shoot down Rwanda, giving it the right to increase its strength in protecting its airspace.

The fact that the government in Kinshasa is carrying out heavy attacks on the M23 and the Tutsis in the DRC with the aim of sending them to neighboring countries and working with the FDLR… all of this gives Rwanda good reasons to continue its security measures.
It reminded the world that the FDLR is made up of those who committed the Genocide against the Tutsis or those who planned to do so.

In the announcement of the Government of Rwanda, it is also written that M23 decided to continue its attacks on the DRC forces because it had seen that the EAC forces had come between the opposing sides, which had already been expelled by the Kinshasa regime.

Rwanda reminds the DRC that it has the first responsibility to protect the Tutsis in this country, but it is unfortunate that it does not show any will to protect them, which has led to them being attacked by enemies and now the District has been in a war for 30 years.

There are hundreds of thousands of DRC Tutsis who have become refugees in neighboring countries and hatred towards them has increased under the regime of Felix Tshisekedi.

It has been increased mainly by the speeches of politicians and other speakers, the speeches of hatred towards the Tutsis of the DRC and those of Rwanda and towards Rwanda in general.
In continuing the cooperation, the FDLR was included in the DRC army and this is not only confirmed by Rwanda because there are also UN expert reports that have confirmed it in the past several months.

The Rwandan government has announced that the combination of all these puts its security at risk.

You announced that for these reasons you will never again allow what is happening in the DRC to cross over to Rwanda.

It says that the problems of M23 concern the DRC and its leaders, that it should not have a connection with Rwanda to break the line.

The announcement of the Government of Rwanda said that when the President of the DRC said that he would attack Rwanda, he heard it quickly and gave it seriousness.

It made it put a lot of effort in protecting its airspace so that anyone who vows to attack it will not reach its goal.

The Rwandan government has taken measures to ensure that CH-4 drones purchased by Kinshasa leaders will be fired into Rwanda.

They are Chinese-made drones that will arrive in DRC in 2023.

It also reminds that there were DRC warplanes that used to fly in Rwanda’s airspace, but that will not happen again.

The Government of Rwanda also took the opportunity to criticize what the United States announced on February 17, 2024 by the Office of its Foreign Affairs Secretary Antony Blinken.

Rwanda says that it is against what was agreed between Rwanda and the United States when the head of the United States Central Intelligence Agency called Haines visited Rwanda in November, 2023.

It was meant to slow down what kept the war going.
The administration of Kigali says that this is the time for the United States to announce whether it has changed its policy regarding what is happening in the District or whether what Blinken’s Office recently announced is based on the lack of accurate information about what is happening in the District where Rwanda is located.

This issue is said to be based on the new name that America is giving FDLR at this time.

The designation is that FDLR is a “militant group” rather than a “terrorist group.”

In December 2001, the United States named the FDLR a terrorist group and put it on the list of other groups that Washington considers as such.

It was after eight European tourists were killed by the FDLR in Bwindi National Park in Uganda.

This park is adjacent to the DRC.

Rwanda says that calling the FDLR such names is giving it too much and that it does not give any commitment in continuing the talks aimed at achieving lasting peace in the region where Rwanda and the DRC are located.

It undermines America’s ability to remain a reliable mediator in regional affairs.

Because the FDLR is there, it gives Rwanda the task of finding any protection possible for its inhabitants to live safely.