Ruhango: RIB Arrested A primary School headmaster, charged to sexually assaulting a male teacher.

Education Rwanda

Rwanda Investigation Bureau, RIB, has announced that it has arrested the Director of a Primary School located in Ruhango District who is suspected of using a teacher for forced sex.

The RIB announced that they arrested him on January 9, 2024, and he was charged with sexually assaulting a fellow man, The spokesperson of RIB, Dr Murangira B. Thierry, told the Media that the crime was committed when the school principal was living with the victim in the same house.

This happened in Ruhango District, Bweramana Sector, Murama Cell in Karambo Village on January 9, 2024, The arrested person is detained at the Kabagali RIB Station while his file is being processed to be submitted to the Prosecution within the time limit set by the law, The source states that this suspect is not the first to be prosecuted for this crime because in November 2021 he was accused of molesting boys studying at the primary school he managed and later he was released by the Court on a temporary basis due to lack of sufficient evidence.

The crime of forced sexual intercourse is provided for by Article 134 of Law No. 68/2018 of 30/08/2018, which provides for crimes and penalties in general, If convicted by the Court, he is sentenced to imprisonment from 10 years but not more than 15 years and a fine of Rwandan money from 1 million Frw but not more than 2 million Frw.

The retribution and its punishment for the crime of brutality

For violent crimes, recidivism occurs whenever a person commits a crime again after being convicted in a previous trial, Anyone who is found to be a repeat offender shall be punished with the maximum punishment provided by the law and may be increased up to two times.

RIB reminded Rwandans that it will not tolerate anyone who commits such a crime, and asks people to refrain from these activities because they have heavy consequences and that anyone who does this will be arrested and brought to justice.