Read about the hard life, Kibonke Clapton went through before becoming famous.

ENTERTAINMENT Feature News Rwanda

Mugisha Emmanuel is his really names where most of the people know him by his other names Clapton kibonge”, This man has really became famous in a film called “Seburikoko ‘ entertaining people through the comedies and other activities, Apart from acting in other films (movies).

He also Wrote and release his own film “Umuturanyi” he is also a leader of day makers Entertainment which include other different comedians, Clapton is a firstborn in his family. in the year 2010 he was living with his father and sisters in Kigali City, but over there, life changed and he started looking after his siblings.

“My dad was working in Kigali and then the job stoped so he had to go back in the province were he was born, so as a first born at home I said to mi self I can’t just go with him right now, I lived with my small  sisters so we stayed there for them to finish there year .

When that year ended his siblings were to go back to there parents at there home village, even Clapton had no other choice but to go with her siblings because he had no other ways of living, He gathered his things to go and decided to bypass his friend ‘Kayumba‘ known as Manzi in the movies , in surprising way he asked him not to go but rather stay with him, and after he got him a job even though it was so had.

He said ‘Kayumba’ had many different siblings but he decided to show me the room for the first time, I lived there and he was the one working alone we became many there in the house and he was the one taking care of us all.

I started the work of selling phones for the salary of 25 thousand, I felt hungry every day I thought that’s why i never became fat” Clapton said he latter got a job which paid him 50 thousand and 80thousand and he started to save with a target to go back to university where it ended up him sacrificing for his siblings.

Even though he’s a comedian Clapton Kibonge never thought in his life that he will become a very popular comedian in the country, even though Clapton kibonge was a comedian but also did some different music In his journey as a comedian he met some people who helped him alot like Ramjane Joshua who introduced to the audience throughout the different programs on Lemigo TV.

He said that “I got a job which paid 25thousand , remember my salary is 80thousand, I counted the days that iam going to have that money, I said that iam going to pay for rent then I do my job well”, Everything he was doing was not working well until he got a chance to act in the movies Called” Seburikoko which he say that it really helped him allot “

He said that “Seburikoko has really made a change in my life” I remember I said that now I’ve got a chance to show what I can do.