President Kagame says that the youth have an important role in continuing to build the country

Education Feature News Politics Rwanda

The President of the Republic, Paul Kagame, inaugurating the National Dialogue Conference, on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, reminded the youth that they are responsible for continuing to build the country, avoiding anything that would drag Rwandans into divisions and bring Rwanda to Genocide.

President Kagame said that the year 2024 is special for the country, because it has a lot to do since it was liberated 30 years ago, and the Genocide against the Tutsis was stopped.

In his speech, President Kagame said that it is a good time to celebrate what Rwanda has achieved, in the 30 years since the Genocide was stopped, showing that the country has come out of the darkness and is rebuilding to achieve its goals, as well as development, but the youth also have the task of continuing. to build the Nation, and to leave what has been achieved prevents what will destroy it again.

He said, “30 years includes two things, it includes the tragedy of the Genocide that took away a large number of our people, but it also includes a country that has become better and better, which is not related to the history that we remember”.

President Kagame said that this year the country has a lot to do, and it will be remembered 30 years ago that Rwanda emerged from the darkness of the Genocide against the Tutsis.

The Head of the Nation said that all these years have passed, there should not be those who still intend to ignore the bad history that Rwanda has gone through.

He said, “It is one of the problems we should be dealing with. So in our work we should prioritize it because if we don’t remember what it is, you may have problems repeating it.”

President Kagame said that the youth who were born during the Genocide are now 30 years old, as well as those who were born after it, both outside and inside the country, should know that the country is waiting for them to change their lives.

He said, “What this means is that these youth have been brought up in families, and that they have been brought up by the country in a political way, which gives them the responsibility to play a major role in building the country in the next 30 years. They have a greater role in changing the lives of Rwandans than we did, they should feel that way”.

President Kagame reminded the youth that what they have to fight against they know, they should focus on the history of the country of Rwanda, other things that come from outside the country can set Rwanda and Rwandans back.

He said, “They must understand it in a way that does not prevent us from building the country properly. Those young people are the ones I’m talking about the most. You must understand the importance of your responsibilities as citizens, as human beings. You should be healthy people, build yourselves, build your families, build your country.”

He reminded the youth that in order to achieve this, first of all, there is no reason to stop you from being who you should be, you must fight for who you are.
President Kagame said that where Rwanda came from and where it wants to go, should be based on the hearts of Rwandans.

The Head of State said that wherever they go they will find problems, so they should sit down and find a solution to their problems, instead of running away to a place where they hope they won’t find it and everywhere there are problems.