President Kagame and Salva Kiir of South Sudan discussed the security of the EAC

Feature News Politics Rwanda

The President of the Republic Paul Kagame and his counterpart from South Sudan and the current leader of the East African Community, held talks.

Yesterday afternoon, February 22, 2024, President Salva Kiir arrived in Rwanda.

The office of the head of the country, Village Urugwiro, announced that “The two leaders had discussions with the Secretary General of the EAC, Dr. Peter Mathuki, focused on the well-known reasons for the security of the District and the functioning of the EAC.”

These talks took place after the relations between the countries of the East African Community including Rwanda, Burundi and Congo are sleeping.

RD Congo has often accused Rwanda, which provokes this country, of supporting the M23 group, which continues to obstruct the Congolese state.
It is at a time when Burundi also accuses Rwanda of supporting the RED Tabara group that recently launched an attack in Burundi that killed more than 20 people.

All these accusations are discussed by Rwanda, saying that they are lies.

It is planned that President Kiir will leave Rwanda immediately for the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, where he will talk with the leaders of those countries.

It is a visit he made after the 37th regular meeting of the United African Union in Ethiopia, he requested that the ongoing conflict in the East of the DRC, be resolved based on friendship and brotherhood in the countries of the region.