Nizzo Kaboss Confirmed the news of their Reunite as “Urban Boys” that made history in Rwandan music industry.

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Nshimiyimana Mohammed known as Nizo Kaboss in the Formal music group “Urban Boys” confirmed the new of their Reunite as the same “Urban Boys” after the results that is coming from the conversations the three are having nowdays.

Nizzo Kaboss who was also the member of the group from Butare to Kigali, announced and informed his and their fans in general, That they are busy discussing on this issue and the results are yet to come our positely.

Niyibikora Safi known as Safi Madiba, Nshimiyimana Mohamed known as Nizzo Kaboss and Manzi James known as Humble Jizzo were the three Formal group members known and loved as “Urban Boys” in Rwanda Music Industry that was formed in 2007.

Nizzo Kaboss said this in the interview on K.T Radio’s Dunda Show hosted by Mc Tino. As Nizzo Kaboss is the only one that is still leaving in Rwanda among the Urban Boys and others are leaving outside the Country, Nizzo said that getting back as the group Urban Boys is possible as long as the Conversations are going well and the expected results is on 70% percentage.

In 2017 was the real time that “Urban Boys” started to have some misunderstandings between them, And this time Safi Madiba who was the best in the group immediately turned out and left the group. Nizzo kaboss and Humble Jizzo remained with the Name legacy to maintain their names too,

But in fact they lost an big effort that could not let them continue pushing with music career only. Finally due to the weakness the boys also separated and started the lives without each other.

Nizzo Kaboss also talked about his new work that he has been dealing with, Like the Online Podcast he is trying to start on his Youtube channel Platform called “K.Boss Entertainment” and he opened it for the purpose of assisting the Projects of “Urban Records” that one again re opened after some long time.

When he was asked about what he really missed in the Crew “Urban Boys” He answered “I missed my fellow members and friends in general on the stage submitting happiness to Rwandans as we usually used to do.”

Nizzo Kaboss also reacts and answered to the main reason behind the lack new born music groups, And said that the main reason behind this in general is that it’s not and will never be easy to work and connect the member’s differences.

In the end, Nizzo Kaboss promised his and their fans that it’s going to take the only little time to connect with his members Safi Madiba and Humble Jizzo and bring back “Urban Boys”