Know more about Breast cancer and how you can against it

Feature News Health

Breast cancer is mostly visible as small tumors in the breast. This disease is mostly visible in women. Statistics show that at least 42 thousand all of the world have breast cancer.

Some causes of breast cancer.
This cancer can be inborn but can also be caused by changes in the body. The magazine says that as women are likely to get breast cancer at an older age, most likely at 50 and above.

The magazine also says that statistics also show that at least 5% get breast cancer from their family blood ; meaning that it can also be herediatry.

A lot of Oestrogen hormones can also cause cancer. This cancer can also be caused by infertility, late development of puberty as well as menopause.

In addition to the above, people who eat fatty foods such as red meat are also candidates to this cancer.
Signs to look out for.

The first thing a lady should look out for are the small mounds in the breast ; although these may not be tumours, you should go see a doctor for a check up.

Advice to fighting against breast cancer.

Women who practice birth control should take heed and choose estrogen free pills.
Giving birth young reduces the cancer infection but yet again if you give birth very young, you are more likely to get it.

The world international centre for breast cancer control also published that breast feeding reduces the possibility of getting breast cancer.

Another way to fight against breast cancer is to do body exercises for thirty minutes five days of the week.

There is a 20%- 30% likelihood of getting breast cancer for women who take alcohol. This means that there is a 10% increase in the possibility of getting breast cancer every 10gm of alcohol consumed ever day.

Taking soy milk helps in fighting against breast cancer, but again fat foods especially manufactured foods such as biscuits, cakes and pizza make you more eligible to breast cancer.

When it comes to hereditary breast cancer, 40% to 80% get it at less than 80 years of age. But the good news is that it can be operated by specialists.