Kenya’s Supreme Court Rejects Police from Going to Haiti

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A judge in Kenya’s Supreme Court has ruled that it is inappropriate for the country’s police to be sent to Haiti to fight organized crime groups.

That judge said he and his colleagues found the sending of Kenyan police to Haiti illegal.

But judges say that places like Haiti are sending soldiers instead of police.

That is what the law stipulates.
Kenya has decided to send its police to Haiti and they will cooperate with others from other countries.

The Supreme Court of Kenya says that Kenyan law says that it can send police officers to a particular country if the two countries have an agreement to send police officers to each other.

Although the Kenyan judiciary confirmed that this was its decision, on the other hand, the Government said that it will appeal the decision.

In recent months, the Prime Minister of Haiti called Ariel Henry told the United Nations that his country needs a security force to come and help secure Haiti.

Criminals in Haiti control 80% of the entire Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince.