Kagame Talked About Lie Burundian President Ndayishimiye lied to him

Feature News Politics

In an interview he gave to Jeune Afrique, President Kagame said that when he called the President of Burundi and asked him about the news that some Burundian troops were planning to go to the DRC to help the FARDC and FDLR, someone else swore that it was a lie.

However, it didn’t take long for the truth to emerge.

There is an article covering the current state of relations between Rwanda and the DRC and Burundi.

Kagame told François Soudan that the proposals Tshisekedi recently said must be implemented before he meets him, which is inappropriate for people who want peace talks.]

Tshisekedi said that in order to talk with Kagame, it is necessary for the Rwandan army to first leave the DRC and put the M23 soldiers in the centers and leave the land they occupied.

Kagame told the editor-in-chief of Jeune Afrique that if you want dialogue, but you say that in order for it to be done, the negotiator must first do something, that is not true.

He says that if that happens, he [Kagame] can set what they want to be done first.

One of them is that they meet only when Yeruey says that what he said is that he will attack Rwanda and that he wants to remove the government, as he declared publicly, he is no longer strong.

Ngo can also say that he will not talk to him as long as he does not remove the FDLR from Congo.

He said, “…When I find that each side has what it says must be resolved first before talking to the other, it would be something that will not restore peace as we wish”.
When asked if he believes there are Rwandan troops in DR Congo, President Kagame said first of all people should first ask why Rwanda is sending its soldiers to that country.

He wonders if people think that going there would be done in order to enjoy going to the gusal and done as if it were a game.

He says that he finds people saying this in order to make the situation only partially understood, people are slow to say that the Rwandan army went to the DRC to be the only thing they are looking at.

Another part of this problem is that M23 is made up of people from the DRC who have become fighters who say they are fighting for the rights of their country and there are about 100,000 of them who have fled to Rwanda for the past 23 years.
Some 15,000 people have recently fled after the fighting intensified.

When President Kagame was asked about the request of the M23 fighters not to take Goma, he replied that it is necessary to look at the whole situation in order to have a peaceful solution.

He says that there is an agreement between Luanda and Nairobi and that it is yielding results.

I agree that it would be better if the contents were combined and followed instead of each agreement being followed separately.

Kagame said that Tshisekedi used tactics to take control of the leaders and their countries so that he took over SADC and brought it into conflict with the EAC.
He says that it would be better if things could be discussed, and a solution would be found without the need to give Tshisekedi the opportunity to convene the Organization of African Countries and establish what needs to be discussed in order for action to be taken in these discussions.

When asked if he takes seriously what Tshisekedi said that he can attack Kigali with missiles and Sukhoi, President Kagame said that it would be inappropriate not to take it seriously.

He added that it is clear that Tshisekedi does not think as the Head of the country about the impact that what he says will have in the future.

For President Kagame, what Tshisekedi said is a serious problem that he must give seriousness and plan to do something about it whenever necessary.

“What he said shows that he can wake up one night and do extraordinary things that no one else does,” he said.
Kagame also says that the fact that Rwandans join M23 as a group of DR Congo people who are being persecuted, is understandable because no one should see anyone anywhere in the world being tortured beyond their limits.

On the issue of Burundi, President Kagame said that the intelligence of Rwanda learned that Burundi was preparing to send soldiers to Goma and elsewhere in the DRC, who were not going to fight on the side of the EAC.

At that time, he called President Ndayishimiye and asked him if it was true that he was going to send other soldiers who were not to help the EAC in the DRC.

“I told him that what he is going to do is wrong, that he should expect the consequences,” he said.

He told Ndayishimiye that if he is going to work with FDRL through working with FARDC, it means that he is going to be a problem for the security of Rwanda because it will happen near its border.
After listening to him, Ndayizimye swore that the intelligence information was false.

Kagame told Ndayishimiye that if what they told him was not true, it would be good luck.

However, after two weeks, it became clear that the information that President Kagame had was true.

The head of Rwanda, on the other hand, says that it is unfortunate that in Burundi there is still a moderate politics based on race and that this is the case in the DRC, which is the stronghold of the FDLR.

He says that in the DRC there is a policy of hatred aimed at destroying people through Genocide, which in itself is a problem for Rwanda.