IRMCT is going to close its offices in Kigali.

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Those who closely follow the functioning of international courts find that the chamber established to complete the cases left by the International Criminal Court established in Rwanda has not done what was expected in the last 13 years.

They are holding hands and this chamber continues to remain silent on the hate speech directed at the Kinyarwanda speakers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, In December 2010, a chamber was established to complete the tasks left by the international criminal court that was established by Rwanda, which was working in Arusha, Tanzania, and is searching for and trying those suspected of involvement in the genocide against the Tutsi who have not yet been arrested.

Only those who closely follow the performance of this sector find that it has not lived up to expectations, Legal expert Me Aloys Mutabingwa believes that the silence of this level on the killings and hate speech targeting the Kinyarwanda speakers in eastern Congo is a big failure.

In a press conference on Thursday in Kigali, the Secretary-General of this organization, Abubacarr Tambadou, was asked about abandoning the prosecution of financier Kabuga Felicien, who is considered a major sponsor of the genocide against the Tutsi. He said that despite Kabuga’s decision, no decision was made to acquit him.

It is planned that on August 31 this year, this chamber will permanently close its office in Kigali. Only Abubacarr Tambadou said that the interaction will continue to be improved between them and the Government of Rwanda so that justice will continue to be provided.

The Secretary-General of the body established to complete the tasks left by the international criminal courts also said that it will continue to monitor the extradition to Rwanda of Fulgence KAishema who was recently arrested in South Africa.