In the month of February, extraordinary rain is expected.

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The National Center for Forecasting, Meteo Rwanda, announced that in the month of February 2024, Rwanda is expected to receive between 50 and 250 millimeters of rain.

The expected rainfall is higher than the normal rainfall in February in all regions of the country (normal rainfall in February is between 40 and 180 millimeters), The first part from the 1st to the 10th is expected to rain in the average amount of rain that usually falls in the country.

The second period from the 11th to the 20th and the third from the 21st to the 29th are expected to have above average rainfall in these areas, The forecasted rain will depend on the temperature that will still be above normal for the month of February in the Pacific Ocean.

How much rain is expected to fall in different places.

Between 200 and 250 millimeters of rain is expected in Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru, Karongi and Rutsiro districts and in the western parts of Ngororero and Huye districts, Between 150 and 200 millimeters of rain is expected in the rest of Huye District, in the areas of Gisagara, Nyanza, Ruhango, Rubavu, Nyabihu, Muhanga, the west of Kamonyi District, Northern Province excluding the south-east of The Rulindo district is expected to receive between 100 and 150 millimeters of rain.

This rain is between 100 and 150 millimeters expected in the rest of the Kamonyi District and parts of the City of Kigali, the South East of the Rulindo District and the Eastern Province excluding the central part of the region of Kayonza, Gatsibo and Nyagatare as well as the south-east of Bugesera District is expected to receive between 50 and 100 millimeters of rain. More details are on the rain map for the month of February.

High winds are expected

As can be seen on the map showing the expected wind speed, in the month of February 2024, moderate winds are expected with strong winds between 6 meters and 8 meters per second, Apart from small parts of Nyaruguru, Gakenke, Gicumbi, Burera, Kigali City, Rwamagana and Ngoma districts, moderate winds with a speed between 4 and 6 meters per second are expected.

Expected maximum temperature In the month of February 2024, the maximum temperature is expected to be between 18 and 28 degrees Celsius, Temperatures that are higher than elsewhere will be between 26 and 28 degrees Celsius expected in the City of Kigali, in the Districts of Bugerera, Ngoma, Rwamagana, Kayonza, Gatsibo, Nyagatare, in the east of the Districts of Kamonyi, Ruhango, Nyanza, and Gisagara and in the south of Rusizi District.

A low temperature of between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius is expected in the north of Musanze and Nyabihu Districts, The forecast temperature is below the average high temperature for the month of February.