In Rwanda, guidelines for commemoration have been announced

Feature News Justice

Rwanda and the whole world in general, we remember the 30th Genocide against the Tutsis. This one
This year, the theme is: “Remembering ourselves”.

The important things that should be remembered include what Rwanda has already achieved, such as strengthening the unity of Rwandans, remembering and leaving our history, justice and the integrity of Rwandans.

We must also constantly oppose the culture of impunity for those involved in the Genocide, and condemn hate speech.

This process is related to the 30th anniversary event.

The national mourning week will be launched at the Kigali Genocide Memorial. The memorial service will continue at the BK ARENA where a Night of Remembrance will be held. This
activities will be broadcast on national radio and television.
In the Region, the week of mourning will be started at the regional memorial or other memorial.
will be determined by region.

In all the villages there will be a commemorative event that will be characterized by presentations, and following the message of the day.

On that day, all activities and other activities are allowed to continue later
of the act of memory.

Other services such as emergency services (on-call pharmacies, hospitals and clinics) will continue to provide services to students. Hotels will continue to provide services to their guests.

Starting on April 7, 2024, the Genocide memorials are included in the World Heritage List
(Bisesero, Gisozi, Murambi, Nyamata), every evening for seven days, will be burned
light by means of fluorescent lamps is directed into the sky so that it can be seen from a distance.
From 7th to 13th April 2024, commemorative activities are planned
It varies in the country on the dates agreed by the organizations organizing the commemoration.

There will also be talks for representatives of their countries and families
international in Rwanda, connecting youth, and other categories.

At the village level, apart from the interview that will be given on April 7, 2024,
no further discussions are scheduled.

On April 11, 2024, in the city of Kigali, a trip is planned
commemoration in Kicukiro District (which will start at IPRC Kicukiro), in the evening
commemoration will be held in Nyanza ya Kicukiro.

Business practices, individual sports, team training, and more
work that is profitable and profitable, will continue to be done during the week
of mourning.

During the week of mourning, the national flag is flown at half mast.

For details, the provisions of Law No. 15/2016 of
02/05/2016 regulates the commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsis,
organization and management of Genocide memorials.

At the national level, a week of mourning will be observed on the Memorial of
Genocide of Rebero.

There will be an act of bowing to the slain politicians who vowed to fight
Genocide plot.

The act of placing the names of others on the Rebero monument will be announced
nine (9) politicians died against Genocide.

Genocide commemoration does not exceed four (4) hours. Example program; Announcement of the program, Minute of remembrance, Prayer by one religious representative for those who wish, Welcome speech, Talk about commemorating the Genocide against the Tutsi, Memorial song or poem.
Testimony about the Genocide against the Tutsi, Memorial song or poem, Message from the representative of the funeral (if the memorial service is combined with burial), Message from the IBUKA family, Memorial song or poem, Message from the guest of honor.
Memory in different levels

Commemoration in public, private, private, and embassies
of other countries in Rwanda; will be done on the chosen day, between the 8th
April and June 19, 2024.

Each level is looking for a speaker who has the skills to do so, be it an employee
or from elsewhere, using the MINUBUMWE discussion guide.

Memory in schools

Schools will plan a special day to remember and receive a speech
while the students will be back from vacation.

Places for Masses and gatherings in the memorial service

Masses and meetings are not included in the memorial service, but during the service
developed by an authorized organization, or affiliated companies
these organizations are legal, for the purpose of remembering members or
its members were killed in Genocide, it is done according to the laws
of it.
An evening to remember

A memorial service precedes a memorial day or burial
of Genocide victims, will be closed no later than 4:00 p.m.

A trip to remember

Without disrupting the flow of people and things, memory travel is possible
to be done when approved by the competent authorities. At that time it is prevented from closing
roads, paths and other works, and it will be done in peace.

Making history

In order to preserve history, the institutions that have organized the commemoration are held
advice on the recording and storage of audio and video of the testimony given.

Use of Trademarks

In order to protect the environment, all agencies are required to reduce
the use of banners to spread the message, instead
billboards and LED screens are used.

After the week of mourning, the memorial plaques will be taken down;
they should only be used when a special memory operation is planned.
In this time of commemoration for the 30th time of the Genocide against the Tutsis, the Rwandans
in general, especially the youth, are encouraged to participate in the activities of
remember and follow the talk that will be given on radio, television and websites
social media.