How to protect your domestic worker, who likes to use the telephone too much

Business Feature News Techonology

The more technological advancements occur, the more people are affected by them, which makes some people spend a lot of time distracted by technology. This has also happened to domestic workers and now they are not only talking about it but also thinking about WhatsApp and Facebook.

In this regard, we would like to share with you some of the methods you can use to protect your employee from calling you on the phone and not to deprive him of his rights.

Talk to him first before hiring him: In the questions you ask the employee who wants to hire you, go and ask him about his phone usage, the hours he is allowed to speak late and when he should not be late on the phone.

For example, it can be understood that when he is feeding the child, when he is cooking, when he is doing laundry, etc., he should not spend 5 minutes on the phone talking to the person he is talking to. Ask him that if someone calls him or writes to him on social media, he will answer that he will talk to him later but after work. That will make even when you catch him in that mistake you see where to start punishing him because you talked about it before

Give him a good example of phone usage: If you also have good phone usage it will be easier for you to find where to start the correction. If an employee makes the mistake of using the phone for a long time while at work, you should also give him an example: “you should have seen me talking on the phone for the same amount of time and I was cooking” due to the work he has dedicated himself to, and you also respect it and do not use the phone to mix it with work.

Don’t take away his phone: There are some employers who feel it is too much and they take away their employees’ phone and give it to them when the work is done. Even if you think that would solve the problem, it turns out to be a mistake because he would be angry if he cooked and didn’t cook well because he feels that you have denied him his rights. The solution is to talk to him and tell him that he is on the phone and at work.

Give small punishments when he kills work: An employee may break the term because he raised it with the phone to his ear. You can tell him that the money you were going to increase depending on the time you talked to him will be increased without him seeing it, but also avoid cutting him off from the person he worked for because he may harm you.

Give him a free time to use the phone: he is free to be on the phone when he has finished his work, but remember that there are times when an employee sleeps on the phone during the day and fails to do his job.

Decide to fire him when you feel that you can’t stand it: It’s not good to beat the employee, cut his salary or even insult him because of his mistakes, but you should choose to fire him and find someone else.

This will help you avoid the distraction of your employees because of the phone and prevent them from constantly arguing about his bad use of the phone while at work.