How the people of Burundi and Rwanda see the closing of the borders of the two countries.

Feature News Politics

On January 11, 2024, the government of Burundi announced in the media that they closed all borders with Rwanda. All the border crossings with Rwanda were immediately closed including Nemba, Gasenyi and Kanyaru as announced by the Minister of Administration of Burundi, Martin Niteretse.

Different people from these two countries continued to talk about it in different ways, only these things people seemed to believe or even expected because in the meeting the president of Burundi Ndayishimiye Évariste had confirmed that the borders will be closed.

Normally, we can say that these countries have many things in common, including the friendship between the people, where like at this border, people cross each other to go to the other’s country.

On the social media we visited, we found that some people are not happy with this decision, where some ask when this conflict between these countries will end, so they request that the relevant authorities would like to discuss the problem instead of other countries and live together in peace.

Burundi usually shares many things with Rwanda because they speak the same language because they don’t need a translator to understand, and these countries share a lot of history from the time of the king because there is a culture that may meet.

The country of Burundi also accuses Rwanda of helping the anti-government group called Red-Tabara and harboring those who want to overthrow the government of Burundi. they want change in the country. Rwanda also denies working with Red-Tabara.