How did this ‘First Lady’ find herself number one among those accused of killing her husband?

Feature News Justice Politics

On July 07 (7) 2021, the world was shocked by the story of how armed people entered the home of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse in the capital Port-au-Prince and shot him dead, as well as wounding his wife Martine Moïse who immediately went to the United States for treatment .

Last week, many around the world were once again shocked to learn that the woman who was the ‘First Lady/ Première dame’ was number one on a list of 49 people wanted for their role in the death of a Haitian judge. he.

Judge Walter Voltaire’s document was published on the 20th of this month accusing Martine of “complicity in killing” her husband in order to reach power. The charges are based on testimony given by some of those close to the government.

Martine Moïse’s side says that this is an act of the current government that aims to mislead and confuse the public so that they do not ask the government what it has failed to do so far.
Judge Voltaire’s indictment notes that there is evidence based on the testimony of former security forces and government officials who accuse various defendants of involvement in the assassination of the president.

Among those who testified was Lyonel Valbrun, the former Secretary General of the House of the President, and others including those imprisoned for their involvement in the assassination of President Moïse.

Judge Voltaire says that his decision to indict Martine Moïse is based on the statement of Valbrun, who was the head of their palace, who said that two days before the president was killed, Martine called him and said:

“Jovenel did nothing for us. You have to open the office of the president Ti Klod [Claude Joseph] to organize a cabinet meeting. He will organize elections in three months to become president, then we will have power.”

After the assassination of President Jovenel, the prime minister, Claude Joseph, took power in a controversial manner, followed by riots and riots that led to his resignation, which lasted only about two weeks.
Claude Joseph was still the prime minister when President Moïse was killed, he immediately took power but after a while he resigned and was replaced by Ariel Henry

Lyonel Valbrun says that two days before the assassination of the president, Martine Moïse came to the presidential palace and spent five hours releasing “some things”. It is not known exactly what he published, but the indictment says that his action was “not without reason”, but that he knew what was going to happen.

The document indicts and quotes Joseph Felix Badio, an official in the Haitian justice ministry, who accuses Martine Moïse of plotting to oust her husband from power.

Badio says that Martine conspired with Claude Joseph who was the prime minister to remove the president, Claude took power and organized elections, in which Martine campaigned.

Claude Joseph is second on the list of accused by the judge, while Joseph Badio is fourth on the current list of Colombian mercenaries who are said to have carried out the murderous attack.

In addition to blaming those in question, this document does not say exactly who ordered the attack to kill the president.
Martine Moïse, who is believed to have remained in the United States since he went there to receive treatment for the injuries caused by the killers of her husband who met them in their house in 2021, has been refusing to appear before the Haitian judiciary that summoned him on this file before saying that he did not trust them.

On social media, Martine described the 122-page document as a “constant attack” on the Haitian government that has failed to do what it has promised the public.

In recent weeks, Haitians have continued to protest and demand that President Ariel Henry – who succeeded Claude Joseph in 2021 – step down because he failed to organize the elections he had promised.

Ariel Henry – who was also mentioned in the death of President Jovenel Moïse – says that the government is not able to organize elections while Haiti is now seriously threatened by security problems and the number of armed criminals in the country.