Gicumbi: A miner who was trying to steal got crushed and dies.

Feature News Health

It happened on January 22, 2024, in Rugerero Village, Gashirira Cell in Ruvune Sector, in the evening hours.

Those who arrived at the scene said that this was not the first time that the deceased came to steal precious stones, because last time he was with his friends who usually come to steal stones, they were also hit by a mine and survived.

The Acting District Mayor of Gicumbi District, Uwera Parfaite told the Media that “Yes, it happened, we learned that it was spread by a mine where wolfram ores are mined.” He went on to say that “we ask the people who are still in the habit of illegal mining to stop putting their lives at risk, this company provides jobs so that they are included in the workforce”.

In Ruvune Sector, the people who are precious stones continue to be taught how to apply for work, because if they come to steal, there are people who warn them of their lives.